How to Clean your Shower Screen

One of the most rewarding parts of cleaning, and a personal obsession of mine, is to get a shower screen that has been stained with hard water deposits for years, sparkling and looking brand new. In our years of cleaning, we have cleaned hundreds of shower screens. Some already fairly clean, some opaque with buildup.…

Things you should probably be cleaning but aren’t….

Things You Should Be Cleaning but probably aren’t 1. Purse/Wallet Most people carry a wallet or a purse these days, but do they really ever clean them? Besides throwing away old receipts and random pieces of gum, most people rarely ever pay attention to them. Especially where they set them down. The exterior surfaces are…

5 Reasons to hire a Tile and Grout cleaning company….

With the vast amount of knowledge right at our fingertips, the “do-it-yourself” projects have become easier than ever. It seems like we can take on just about any project with the right amount of patience and determination. However, there are areas and surfaces in your home that should be maintained by professionals- like ceramic tile,…

Carpets, Health, and Science – A New Perspective

Carpets, Health, and Science – A New Perspective In January 2014, a study was released in the United States that should put an end to any doubts cleaning professionals, carpet consumers in the residential environment, health care professionals, educational facilities, building owners and facility managers have about carpeting and indoor air quality. According to Dr.…

Routine Care for Hard Flooring

Routine Care For Hard/Porous Flooring Routine Care Porous floors, like other types of hard surface flooring, are typically maintained on a routine basis by sweeping, dry mopping, or vacuuming, along with damp mopping. This cleaning removes everyday dirt and prevents “gritty” soils from scratching the floor’s surface and discoloring it. When possible, it can help…

Why You Should Seal Stone Floors

Well the simple answer is if you want to protect your stone floor from staining then you really should seal it. One key thing you should do is to test your stone for porosity. To do this, add a few drops of clean water to your stone floor and if they are absorbed, the stone…